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Uso de annona em inglês
Modelled after the Greek Demeter, she is practically identical with Copia, Annona and similar goddesses.
At Durasno, the protea, the psidium, the jambos, the chirimoya of Peru,* (* Annona cherimolia.
The obtained results demonstrate the potential use of Annona cherimola leaves for the preparation of dietary supplements aimed to promote the physiological redox balance.
However, only Annona muricata among all the Annona species is currently used in the nutraceutical field, and its dried leaves are marketed for tea preparation.
When an Ashantee of the Annona stock of kindred meets a Warsaw man of the same stock they salute and acknowledge each other as brothers.
The nona, as it is called by the natives (Annona reticulata), is another species of the same fruit, but not so grateful to the taste.